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Fighting wasps

If you are bothered by wasps in or around your home, it can be very annoying. You can choose to fight the wasps yourself, but in most cases it is better to leave wasp control to a professional. They have the knowledge and experience, ensure that nobody gets stung and the nest can be effectively controlled and removed. Read all about costs and options and get useful tips here.

What does wasp control cost?

Do you suffer from wasps or have you found a wasp nest? Then be careful, because if wasps feel threatened they can start stinging. To prevent this, you can fight the wasps. Having wasp control outsourced costs an average of £60 to £90. This price often depends on the size of the nest. Check out the average prices below.

Work Average price (incl. VAT)
Wasps nest control and removal £ 60 – £ 90

Find the best specialist for your project and get free quotes.


Fight wasps

What are the ways to fight wasps?

Specialists often use chemical pesticides. These pesticides often come in powder form and should only be used by professionals. There are also foam sprays that they use to control wasps. These sprays are also available in shops for consumers.

Check out below how the professional uses the powder pesticide and how you can use the foam pesticide yourself.

Powder pesticide

The specialist wears protective clothing during the wasp nest control and uses high-pressure equipment. Using a telescope, powder is introduced into the core of the nest under high pressure. The aim of this is to eliminate the queen so that no new wasps arrive.

When the powder is inserted, all wasps present in the nest come into contact with the powder. Then, the wasps spread the powder throughout the nest, including where the queen sits. Even the wasps not present at that time later come into contact with the powder left in the nest. Generally, it takes 1 to 3 days until all wasps are eliminated. After that, if necessary, the wasp nest can be removed.

Foam pesticide

The use of foam pesticide is a little more complicated than powder, because you have to take several factors into account. First of all, you should use this pesticide only at night, because that is when all wasps are in the wasp nest and you are less likely to be stung. Furthermore, using the foam is not suitable if the wasp nest is in an awkward location, it is near a kitchen or other place where food is prepared and also not if there are children or pets around.

Applying the foam is not difficult. First of all, you look for the entrances on the underside of the wasp nest. Once you have located these, all you have to do is spray the foam into the entrance after which they cannot flee.

What are the pros and cons of outsourcing wasp control?

Fighting wasps and removing a wasp nest can be done yourself, but you can also outsource it to a professional. Check out the pros and cons of hiring a specialist below.


  • A specialist has the knowledge and experience to make sure it is done properly and safely.
  • Having a wasp nest removed by a specialist does not have to be expensive. Especially not if you get there quickly and the nest is still small.
  • Specialists can give you advice to ensure the wasps do not return.


  • Wasp control by a specialist costs more than doing it yourself.
  • Specialists often use chemical pesticides. These agents can be harmful to the environment. Ask the professional about the different options.
  • If you do not wear protective clothing like the subject specialist, you run the risk of being stung.

How to find a suitable subject specialist?

When you want to outsource your wasp control, you obviously want it done right. With the tips below, you can find a quality professional that also fits your budget.

Tip 1: compare quotations

To get an idea of the various specialists and what they have to offer, you can ask for pest control quotations. Put the different quotes side by side and compare them on, for example, price, quality marks and guarantees. Then you can choose the specialist that is right for your project.

Tip 2: pay attention to quality marks and certificates

Certification marks and certificates show that a specialist complies with certain standards of quality and reliability. Hallmarks you could look out for are:

  • EVM;the Examination and Certification Institute for Pest Prevention (EVM) conducts theory and practical exams for pest controllers. The certificate of competence is valid for five years, after which it can be extended by demonstrating eight half-days of refresher training.
  • CPMV;the Certification Institute for Pest Management, Environment and Public Health is a foundation set up by the industry organisations NVPB and NVRD. Like the EVM, the CPMV also conducts theory and practical exams for professional pest controllers. The proof of competence is subject to the same conditions as the EVM.

Tip 3: choose a professional specialist in the region

The prices of wasp control are usually already fixed, but the call-out charges depend on the distance the professional has to travel. If you prefer to spend as little as possible, this is an expense you can save on. By choosing a specialist in the region, the call-out costs remain low or the specialist does not charge anything at all and you save on the total pest control costs.

Frequently asked questions

What do wasps hate?

Research has shown that wasps dislike the smell of lemon, clove and geranium. Diffuse these scent(s) in the areas where you are bothered by wasps to repel them.

Can a wasp nest disappear on its own?

This is not very likely, but it is possible. In fact, a wasp nest can stay alive for a long time if the weather remains mild and food is plentiful in the area. In that case, they can even survive the winter.

How to get rid of wasps fast?

A good way to repel wasps is with scent. Wasps do not like strong smells, nor do they like smoke. For example, you can light incense sticks in the place where you are bothered a lot by the wasps, but other scents such as lemon and vinegar have also proved effective. There are also other ways to repel wasps by, for example, using a wasp trap or wasp spray.